FBHF@ SPECIAL EDITION SHAZAM II Licensed for 60-day Trial Period ONLY Plese press ENTER for license and ordering details. Contact & address information is in the ABOUT box. T Copyright (c) 1991,92 by Johnathan J. Stein All Rights Reserved WorldWide SHAREWARE LICENSE If you use this product more than 60 days, you must pay a license fee. You then receive: [X] An immediate update on diskette [X] Unrestricted license for generated source [X] Full documentation (online & offline) [X] Dual mode operation (command-line/IDE) [X] Complete set of tutorials, examples and demo code (2.5 meg needed to install) [X] Library of *.DEF, *.DLG and *.TXT files [X] Source code for PRINT, EXECSWAP & EDITORS [X] Unlimited Technical Support ORDER INFORATION For a licensed copy, send a fee of $99.95 and your name, address, disk-size and check or credit-card information by: MC/Visa Check Electronic Mail no Telephone or FAX no Postal Mail International Users: Note that M/C & Visa take care of currency exchange. Otherwise, your bank can provide a check in US funds. CREDIT CARD NOTE! Prior The following information is needed to process credit card orders: ( ) MASTERCARD ( ) VISA [X] Your Name, EXACTLY like on the card [X] The entire card-number [X] The expiration date Please don't forget the expiration date; your order cannot be processed without it.